Cindy Malinowski was pleased when she was approached to have her home, Lyman House on Harris Street, placed on the City of Salmon Arm’s Heritage Register. The register is a list of houses, buildings, and land valued by the community. Nominations are public. Cindy’s house had been featured on the poster for the walking tour sponsored by the City’s Heritage Commission and the Okanagan Historical Society – Salmon Arm Branch. She knew everyone who bought tickets wanted to see the inside of her house!
Cindy is justifiably proud of her house. When it was described by Architects Birmingham & Wood as having a barn-shaped Dutch Colonial roof, Cindy wasn’t pleased.
“First off the roof line is called a Gambrel roof. I really like the look of this roof line and it also allows full use of the second storey space,” Cindy wrote.
Lyman house was the first house to be built in the subdivision.
Several families have called the LymanHouse on Harris Street home. It was the first house built in the subdivision and it sets the tone for the street. Its architecture is unique and the mature plantings and large lot add grace to the elegant home.
Some people call it “the Doctors’ house” and a little research yields the reason for the name. A total of three doctors have lived in the house. The first doctor bought it from the original owner, I.M. Lyman.
When Dr. A.K. Connolly opened a general practice, he purchased the house in 1912. It was convenient. The hospital was nearby. Dr. Beech bought Connolly’s house and practice in 1926. A third doctor, Cindy Malinowski, purchased the house in 1984. Needing more space, Malinowski built a tasteful addition in 1992. She made sure her addition was in sympathy with the original structure and would look as if it has always been there. 
“As a girl I remember I finding a tree-lined side street with a wonderful collection of old houses. One in particular caught my eye and I thought I would love to live there some day. I enjoyed historical novels and the old houses where I grew up in North Battleford SK. Even as a child I was drawn to antique stores!
The view from Lyman house included the whole town.
Note the telephone and electric poles. Telephone poles
installed in 1911 and power turned on in November 1913.
The pillars, balconies, bay windows and majestic trees around the Lyman House resonated deeply with my sense of an historic dwelling. I couldn't wait to see inside. Many years went by until my chance came when a friend who knew of my interest in this particular house and also knew the owner arranged for me to come for tea and a tour of the house.
As I gave my thanks for the tour and made the usual comment ‘if you are ever thinking of selling’ the owner said it just so happened she was.
With much joy and anticipation of what would be my future home I made all the preparations and moved in the fall of 1984.
I continue to marvel at this dream come true. With an addition to accommodate a growing family and regular upkeep I hope to maintain the integrity of this home as a part of the history of the early settlers of Salmon Arm.”
Thank you, Cindy, for allowing your home to be recognized. It really is a poster child for heritage conservation and is also an excellent example of adaptive reuse.
View of the house from the lake.
All photographs were taken by Rex Lingford between 1909 and 1914. |
Images are available for sale at R.J. Haney Heritage Village. Contact the Archives for further details. |