R.J. Haney Heritage Village General Manager Susan Mackie handed me a
catalogue of door hardware recently. Her instructions were to pick out
the door handles for the Montebello building ASAP. Why? If the project
was to be completed to lock up, doors for the project needed to be
constructed soon, so the knobs had to be chosen right away. The
manufacturer, Dale Widdifield at Windowland, planned to cut the holes
for the knobs and locks in his workshop, before the doors were
installed. He needed to know what kind of locks we planned to use to get
the placements right.
I was soon acquainted with the elements of a door knob. I had to choose a
rosette, a knob – either keyed or non-keyed, a dead bolt, and a finish.
It was going to be a complicated order. There were nine exterior doors
on the main floor of the building, three washrooms, and lots of
interior doorknobs. The Montebello project was to look like buildings
that were constructed at different times, so the door knobs had to look
like they had been bought at different times.
I consulted my 1908 reproduction American Sears Catalogue. The
Canadian Eaton’s reproduction catalogue was an earlier production -
Unfortunately all the Sears catalogues were reproduced missing pages
472-5. The lock section wasn’t there. Quality control wasn’t either.
The next thing I did was take photos of the knobs on Haney’s heritage
buildings. They were good examples: Haney House, Pidhirney House,
Laitinen House. It was obvious some were replacements knobs.
The modern catalogue of knobs Susan gave me had a mixture of modern
and reproduction Victorian and Arts and Crafts designs. I picked out my
favourites. Victorian knobs were too old for buildings at Haney Heritage
Village. I needed the Montebello to represent a collection of buildings
that were Edwardian – sometime after the death of Queen Victoria. 
I called on Cuyler Page, the heritage consultant we had take
President Norma Harisch’s drawings of a multi- purpose museum building
into a concept plan. Consulting our archival photographs and my list of
buildings essential to an historic commercial development, Cuyler had
created drawings that we could present to our architect, Bernd
Hermanski. Cuyler, a skilled draftsman, made sure the concept was
influenced by the right era
Cuyler knew exactly what to look for. He said door knobs were like an initial handshake with the visitor.
Wow. What a thought! The first impression.
Cuyler said we needed at least three different types of knobs. They
had to be a mixture of finishes. For security’s sake, we could use
deadbolts, but they had to be mounted below the doorknobs so they
wouldn’t be as visible. Cuyler went on to say that he had done a door
knob display when he was the Curator at the Kamloops Museum. He called
door knobs jewelry for buildings.
loved the idea. Picking out jewelry! Unfortunately, I found out I
couldn’t throw in any bling, like glass door knobs. They were strictly
residential knobs, Cuyler told me.
Cuyler agreed to meet in Vernon at a coffee shop. We went through the
catalogue, made a list of the businesses and started to choose knob
styles. An hour and a half later we had talked about the stores, their
exterior finishes, and the need for crash door closures.
Thanks to Cuyler’s subsequent fine tuning over the weekend, a
presentable door knob schedule was delivered electronically to the
General Contractor.
One more task done.
Footnote: Images courtesy Emtek